Catholic Women's League
Catholic Women’s League
The CWL of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service. Our Core Values are faith, service and social justice. Our motto is, “For God and Canada.”
We are a National Organization which celebrated its 100th anniversary of its founding in Canada in 2019.
Saint Ignatius CWL was charter incorporated in 1983, under the direction of Father Gregory Heenan. In 2023, Saint Ignatius CWL will celebrate its 40th anniversary of service to God and Canada. Deacon Tom Smith is the councils’ Spiritual Advisor.
Within our St. Ignatius parish, we provide an annual high school bursary to a graduating student, we sponsor a Chalice person, support the SVDP society, Beacon House food bank, and assist anyone who is in need that asks us for help (e.g., homeless, women’s shelters).
Our annual commitments include the Coady Institute, Development and Peace, Canada Near East Welfare Association, Catholic Missions in Canada, Atlantic Provinces Special Education Auxiliary (APSEA).
We purchase and lay a Remembrance Day wreath, and support the IWK.
First Communion, Confirmation cards are given out to the children. Baptismal bibs are donated to the newly baptized children. RCIA candidates are acknowledged by card and gift.
We support parish events, and assist our brothers, the Knights of Columbus.
We fundraise to support our commitments- through an annual tea, hosting funeral receptions, and through member contributions.
We interact with our church communities by taking part in the annual World Day of Prayer and host every 4 years. We have held National Reconciliation/ Truth and Reconciliation services, along with our spiritual advisor, Deacon Tom Smith.
We invite all women, over the age of 16 to join us, and we welcome you!
For God and Canada, Sharon Forbrigger, President-
or contact the office -902-835-2910
Parish Office – 902 835-2910 or